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Recommendations to the United Nations and its Agencies, including OLS, UNICEF, WFP, the Commission on Human Rights, the High Commissioner for Human Rights, and Others:

* require the Sudan government to live up to its promise on May 20, 1998 to U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan to permit a U.N. assessment team (and relief if needed) into the rebel-controlled areas of the Nuba Mountains;

* insist on full international monitoring of relief efforts, with unrestricted access for food monitors and nongovernmental organizations not aligned with any party;

* act urgently and firmly to deploy full-time U.N. human rights officers to operate throughout Sudan, with a mandate to promptly inform the world community of human rights abuses, particularly those that lead to famine;


* support and act according to the recommendations of the Joint Task Force, particularly to urgently request UNCERO to initiate a joint UN/NGO/government of Sudan investigation into humanitarian abuses in government-controlled areas, and to conduct more OLS workshops on humanitarian principles and humanitarian law;

* support and fund the dissemination of human rights and humanitarian law and monitoring by OLS (Southern Sudan); and

* develop a program to end slavery in Sudan.


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