Virginia N. Sherry, associate director of Middle East Watch, had overall responsibility for this report. She also wrote Chapters Two to Five, on the air war against Iraq, and Chapters Six, Seven and Nine, on Iraq's missile attacks against Israel and the Gulf states.
Jemera Rone, counsel to Human Rights Watch, conducted the wartime field research, and subsequently provided additional legal analysis and factual research.
Robert Kogod Goldman, professor of law at the Washington College of Law of the American University in Washington, D.C., and a member of the Middle East Watch Committee, wrote Chapter One on the legal standards, and provided guidance on international humanitarian law for the report as a whole. Andrew Whitley, executive director of Middle East Watch, conducted field research and wrote Chapter Eight on the Iraqi missile attacks against Israel. Jacqueline Williams and Yuval Ginbar conducted the interviews in London in May 1991 that are cited in the report.
Kenneth Roth, deputy director of Human Rights Watch, contributed to the legal analysis and edited the report.
Middle East Watch extends special thanks to Lauren Fishman, who carried out research for Chapters Eight and Nine. Thanks are also due to Christina Derry and Paige Wilhite, who provided invaluable production assistance on this report. Finally, Middle East Watch acknowledges with deep appreciation the contributions of those expert readers who commented on the draft manuscript while it was in preparation.