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 North Korea: Policy Changes May Foster New Hunger
Press Release, May 4, 2006
북 한의 정책 변화와 새로운 기아의 가능성  (PDF)
North Korea is headed toward another famine
Commentary, May 3, 2006
A Matter of Survival
The North Korean Government’s Control of Food and the Risk of Hunger

Report, May 2006
China: Protect Rights of North Korean Asylum-Seekers
Press Release, November 19, 2002


중 국: 북 한 망명 희망자들의 인권을 보호하라  (PDF)

North Korea Country Summary
Report, January 2006
국가 개요 2006
The Invisible Exodus: North Koreans in the People's Republic of China
Report, November 2002

보이지 않는 탈출: 중 화인민 공화국의 북한 주민들