Excerpts from Questions and Answers on the Patriotic Education Program in Monasteries
Question 1
What is the reason for establishing normal order in the monasteries through patriotic education,
weeding out, and reforms?
It is to continue the policy concerning the unification of the motherland, the promotion of political
stability, the strengthening of the solidarity of the nationalities, and the struggles to oppose
separatists activities, in order to establish a socialist system with Chinese characteristics. There is
no question of choice or scope for falling out of step but to join and follow the forward march of
the nationalities of the great family of the motherland.
Question 2
What are the contents of the "Four Points" as defined by Comrade Li Ruihuan concerning the
The Dalai is:
a. the head of the serpent and the chieftain of the group [seeking] splittism and Tibetan
b. a loyal tool of the international anti-China forces.
c. the root cause of stirring up social turmoil in Tibet.
d. the biggest obstacle standing in the way of establishing normal order in Tibetan Buddhism
Question 4
What are the four cardinal devotions to be assimilated by the monk and nun population?
a. devotion to the motherland
b. devotion to the government
c. devotion to the law
d. devotion to citizenship
Question 6
What are normal religious practices and what are irreligious practices?
a. Saying prayers, doing prostrations and reciting scriptural texts, burning incense, attending religious teachings and celebrating religious festivals are all normal religious practices.
b. Any action that is prompted by ignorance and superstition, that undermines the interest of the
State and peoples' lives and property are examples of irreligious practice.
Question 7
What are the aims of the Party's implementation of the policy of freedom of religious belief and the strengthening of supervision of religious activities in accordance with the law ?
To give guidance and leadership to the adaptation of religion to the socialist system.
Question 13
What separatist activities have the Dalai clique instigated?
The main separatist activities are:
a. instigating the violent rebellion of 1959.
b. the establishment of a government in exile and the stablishment of a force to instigate rebellion
and disturbances.
c. resorting to western hostile powers to clandestinely promote the idea of Tibetan independence
in the international fora through deceitful propaganda, thereby damaging the international
reputation and image of our country.
d. intensifying the effort to infiltrate areas within the Tibet Autonomous Region to plan and
instigate disturbances; and sabotaging the search and recognition of the reincarnation of the Tenth
Panchen Lama, and engaging in intimidation.
Question 14
Who is the chief backer of the Dalai clique? Without the backing, could the Dalai clique survive?
The Dalai clique assiduously seeks the support and backing of the Western capitalists. Without
Western support, there is no way the Dalai clique could survive.
Question 17
What is the position of Tibet vis a vis the fundamental interests of the nationalities of the People's
Republic of China ?
There are two points:
a. From the overall strategic viewpoint the peace and security of Tibet is linked to the sovereignty
as well as the peace and security of the entire State.
b. The issue of stability, peace and security, and development of Tibet are matters that can only
be addressed from within the great family of the motherland.
Question 19
What kind of person should be entrusted with the leadership responsibility and authority of the
monasteries ?
The leadership responsibility and authority of the monasteries should definitely be entrusted in the
hands of monks and nuns who are genuine law-abiding patriots
Question 23
What fundamental rights and duties are enshrined in the Constitution for the citizens of our
All citizens have rights and freedoms that are enshrined in the constitution. The fundamental
rights are:
a. right to equality;
b. right to political freedom;
c. right to religious freedom;
d. right to life;
e. right to make criticisms, put forward proposals for discussion, make representations concerning
one's case, make appeals to courts or to expose others' wrongdoing, and to obtain compensation
for losses;
f. right to a share in the social economy;
g. right to education;
h. protection of the rights and interests of women of the country;
i. right to protection by the state for married families, the elderly, and the pregnant.
The duties of the citizens are:
a. to defend and protect the unity of the country and the solidarity of the nationalities;
b. to respect and defend the constitution and the basic laws, safeguard thoroughly state secrets,
protect public property, observe labour discipline and public order, and preserve the general moral
behaviour of society;
c. to defend and protect the security and honour and interests of the country;
d. to defend and protect the motherland, and in accordance with the law, voluntarily enlist in the
People's Militia;
e. to labour which is the glorious duty and responsibility of all workers endowed with the strength
to work;
f. to pay taxes as provided for in the constitution; and
g. to implement the family planning programme.
Question 24
What constitutes a "crime" ?
Committing a 'crime' means :
a. any action and behaviour that is offensive and harmful to society;
b. any action and behavior that violates the criminal law; and
c. any action and behavior that deserves to be punished.
by the Work Team of the Patriotic Education Program in Yartoe township, Nedong county, May 25,1997
(Document and translation from Tibet Information Network, London.)
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