Threat of statelessness for 4 million people in India's Assam; Torture in Russia; Torture in Iraq; Torture in Ethiopia; Brazil’s abortion laws are incompatible with its human rights obligations; Kazakhstan shouldn’t deport asylum seeker to China

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In India's northeastern state of Assam, the potential exclusion of over 4 million people in a citizenship identification process raises concerns over arbitrary detention and possible statelessness without due process.

Last week a scandal brought torture in Russian prisons to the public eye, leading to something extraordinary for the country: a vigorous investigation, suspensions, and arrests for the perpetrators.

Torture is rampant in Iraq’s justice system, yet judges are ignoring torture allegations and convicting defendants based on possibly forced confessions.

Since taking office in April, Ethiopia’s new prime minister, Abiy Ahmed, has ushered in a promising new era of reform in the country. But he has yet to tackle one of the biggest obstacles to lasting change: the widespread use of torture.

Brazil’s abortion laws are incompatible with its human rights obligations.

Sayragul Sauytbai dared to speak publicly about China’s abusive “political reeducation” camps across Xinjiang. Earlier this year, she fled Xinjiang to Kazakhstan, fearing for her safety. Now she’s at risk of being forcibly returned to China, where she would face detention and possible torture.

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