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Human Rights Watch and the American Civil Liberties Union thank all of the students, parents, family members, siblings, teachers, administrators, superintendents, school board officials, and other government officials who shared their views and experiences with us for this report.
This report was researched and written by Alice Farmer, Aryeh Neier fellow for Human Rights Watch and the American Civil Liberties Union. Additional research was conducted by Alison Parker, deputy director of the US Program at Human Rights Watch, and a staff member from the American Civil Liberties Union (who chose to remain anonymous). The principal editors were: Alison Parker; David Fathi, director of the US Program at Human Rights Watch; Joseph Saunders, deputy program director at Human Rights Watch; and Clive Baldwin, senior legal advisor at Human Rights Watch. This report was also reviewed and edited by: Jo Becker, advocacy director of the Childrens Rights Division at Human Rights Watch; Terri Burke, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Texas; Jamil Dakwar, director of the Human Rights Program at the American Civil Liberties Union; Nsombi Lambright, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Mississippi; Dennis Parker, director of the Racial Justice Program at the American Civil Liberties Union; and Meghan Rhoad and Janet Walsh of the Womens Rights Division at Human Rights Watch.
Brian Root, consultant to Human Rights Watch, provided methodological and data review for this report. Ashoka Mukpo and Thomas Gilchrist, US Program associates at Human Rights Watch, and Kennji Kizuka, Childrens Rights Division associate at Human Rights Watch, provided research and production assistance. Additional research assistance was provided by: Jennifer Norris, Giancarlo Rivero-Pelligrini, and Leanne Webster, interns with the US Program at Human Rights Watch; and by Joy Frey and Catherine Oddy of Northwestern University Law School. Grace Choi, publications director, Ella Moran, multimedia specialist, Fitzroy Hepkins, print and mail manager, Xabay Spinka, communications coordinator, and Enrique Piraces, web content management specialist, provided layout and production for this report.
We express our deep appreciation to the leaders, staff, and volunteers of non-profit organizations, after-school programs, community groups, and other organizations who assisted enormously with our research.
Human Rights Watch and the American Civil Liberties Union are grateful to the Open Society Institute for its support of the Aryeh Neier fellowship. We would also like to thank Gara LaMarche, vice president of the Open Society Institute, for initiating the fellowship. Human Rights Watch would also like to thank Peter B. Lewis and the John Merck Fund for their generous support of the US Program.