

BLU                             Bomb Live Unit

CBU                            Cluster Bomb Unit

CCW                            Convention on Conventional Weapons

COI                             UN Commission of Inquiry

DPICM                           Dual Purpose Improved Conventional Munition

ICRC                            International Committee of the Red Cross

IDF                              Israel Defense Forces           

IHL                              International Humanitarian Law

IMI                              Israel Military Industries

LMRC                               Landmines Resource Center

MACC SL                     UN Mine Action Coordination Center South

MAG                           Mines Advisory Group

MLRS                          Multiple Launch Rocket System

NGO                            Nongovernmental Organization

TCS                             Trajectory Correction System

UN                                      United Nations

UNDP                           UN Development Program

UNICEF                        UN Children’s Fund

UNIFIL                         UN Interim Force in Lebanon

UNOCHA                        UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian

UXO                            Unexploded Ordnance