Background Briefing

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To the government of Burundi

- Take necessary steps to ensure that all state security forces—the armed forces, police, and intelligence services—comply with international human rights and humanitarian law, including regarding arrests, treatment of persons in detention and the prohibition of torture. Prosecute persons implicated in criminal offenses in accordance with international fair trial rights.

- Provide unhindered access to all prisons and other detention facilities, including that of the Documentation Nationale, for the U.N. mission to Burundi (ONUB) and human rights organizations. Ensure that civilians are not detained in military camps.

- Collaborate with the United Nations to establish a judicial mechanism to bring perpetrators of war crimes and crimes against humanity to justice. Ensure that there are strong witness protection mechanisms and extradition agreements in place.

To the FNL

- Take all appropriate measures to ensure that combatants under your control abide by international humanitarian law, and hold accountable combatants found responsible for committing abuses.

To the United Nations

- Continue pressing the Burundian government to take measures necessary to ensure full accountability for serious violations of international humanitarian law, including creating a special chamber in the Burundian judicial system to prosecute these crimes.

To donor governments

- Urge the Burundian government to comply with international human rights and humanitarian law, particularly regarding the treatment of persons in detention and the prohibition on torture.

- Use all means of influence at your disposal to press the Burundian government to ensure full accountability for serious violations of international humanitarian law, including creating a special chamber in the Burundian judicial system to prosecute these crimes.

<<previous  |  indexFebruary 2006