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This report was researched and written by Peter Bouckaert, senior researcher for emergencies at Human Rights Watch, based on two weeks of research in Kosovo during April 2004. Bogdan Ivanisevic, Researcher for the Former Yugoslavia in the Europe and Central Asia Division, contributed to the research for this report. The report was reviewed by Benjamin Ward, counsel in the Europe and Central Asia Division; James Ross, senior legal advisor, Widney Brown, deputy program director, Diane Goodman, refugee policy director, and Veronika Szente Goldston, advocacy director of the Europe and Central Asia Division. Manu Krishnan, associate in the Program Division, Anna Sinelnikova and Victoria Elman, associates in the Europe and Central Asia Division, provided valuable logistical support during the research mission and production support after the mission. Tatjana Schuetz helped with the translation of German sources. Veronica Matushaj, photo editor and associate director in the Development and Outreach Division, Andrea Holley, manager of outreach and public education, and Fitzroy Hepkins, mail manager in the Publications Division, contributed to the production of this report.

Human Rights Watch thanks the officials of UNMIK, KFOR, OSCE, PISG, and other institutions who contributed their comments and views to this report, and who assisted the research mission in Kosovo. Our criticisms of the performance of their institutions during the March 2004 violence aims to be constructive, and does not seek to question the profound commitment many individuals, international and local, bring to their work in Kosovo.

Human Rights Watch acknowledges the generous support of the Open Society Institute.

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