Table Of Contents


AFMC -- Air Force Materiel Command
ATC -- Afghan Technical Consultants
BLU -- Bomb live unit, referring in this report to a BLU-97
BLU-97 --  Submunition of CBU-87 and CBU-103, which has anti-armor, antipersonnel, and incendiary capability
CBU -- Cluster bomb unit, referring in this report to a CBU-87 or CBU-103
CBU-87 -- U.S.-made cluster bomb containing 202 submunitions, or bomblets
CBU-103 -- CBU-87 with a WCMD attached to the rear to increase accuracy
CCW -- Convention on Conventional Weapons
CEP -- Circular error probable
ERW -- Explosive remnants of war
DAFA -- Demining Agency for Afghanistan
DoD U.S. -- Department of Defense
EOD -- Explosive ordnance disposal
GWAPS -- Gulf War Air Power Survey
GPS -- Global positioning system
ICRC -- International Committee of the Red Cross
ICBL -- International Campaign To Ban Landmines
IDP -- Internally displaced persons
IHL -- International humanitarian law
JDAM -- Joint Direct Attack Munition
MAPA -- U.N. Mine Action Program for Afghanistan
MDC -- Mine Detection Dog Center
MCPA -- Mine Clearance Planning Agency
NGO -- Nongovernmental organization
OMAR -- Organization for Mine Awareness and Afghan Rehabilitation
RMAC -- Regional Mine Action Center
TMD -- Tactical munitions dispenser
UNHCR -- U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees
UXO -- Unexploded ordnance
WCMD -- Wind corrected munitions dispenser

Table Of Contents