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Prepared by the SPLM/SRRA-OLS Joint Targeting and Vulnerabilities Task Force in SPLM-controlled Areas of Bahr El Ghazal, Final Report, August 27, 1998 (Nairobi)

Phase 1


Phase 2

April - May

Phase 3

June - to date

Flight Ban/Limited Access

Flight Clearance but Limited Capacity

Increased capacity but problems continue

1.GOS imposed blanket flight suspension, limited access to airstrips and the delayed clearance of additional C-130 heavy lift cargo aircraft.

1. Lack of Capacity

- Food

- Planes

- Fuel

- Roads

- Staff


- non-food items

1. Distribution Systems

- Failure of Targeting

- Some groups marginalized/left out

- Redistribution - even distribution/non needs based.

- Favoritism

2. Poor planning and lack of contingency planning by OLS meant I that t was unable to effectively mitigate the impact of the flight suspension through the use of road access

2. Distribution Systems

- Failure of Targeting

- Some groups marginalized/left out

- Redistribution - even distribution/non needs based.

- Favoritism

2. Contribution/Tayeen

3. Poor roads and a lack of road transporters.

3. Contribution/Tayeen.

3. Under Capacity

- Lack of cargo space for non-food items, support for feeding centers and general ration.

4. Centralization of relief services with clearance of 4 locations (drew large numbers of people to these few sites where they received very little).

4. Looting/banditry/theft.

4. Slow/late reassessment of needs, still causing underestimation of target population

Phase 1



Phase 2

April - May


Phase 3

June - to date


5. Restricted ability to carry out effective rapid assessment - led to delays in identifying the severity and magnitude of the needs(underestimation of numbers)

5. Lack of assessment (no UNICEF/NGO global nutrition survey and underestimation of population in need).

5. Looting/banditry/theft

6. Banditry/looting/theft.

6. Lack of UNICEF presence on ground to asses and co-ordinate.


7. Lack of UNICEF presence on ground to assess and coordinate.


Other factors that have contributed significantly to all problems at all Phases:

! Disagreement over population figures

! Underestimation of population in need

! Poor communications and coordination between the agencies, SRRA, civil authorities, the community and, the targeted beneficiaries



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