Sebastian Brett, Human Rights Watch's researcher
on the Southern Cone and Andean countries, researched and wrote this report.
Former Deputy Director of the Americas Division, Anne Manuel, and Program
Director Malcolm Smart edited the manuscript. Legal and Policy Director
Wilder Tayler, and Americas Division Executive Director José Miguel
Vivanco, also reviewed the text. Americas Division Associate Jon Balcom
gave logistical support and worked on the production of the report. We
are grateful for the valuable assistance of Americas Division interns Laura
Fernández and Cármen Fernández-Baldor in researching
the chapter on the United States.
In Buenos Aires, our thanks go to Horacio
Verbitsky, president of the Buenos-Aires based Center for Legal and Social
Studies (Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales, CELS) and member of the
Americas Division's Advisory Committee, for his unstinting advice and support.
We are very grateful to Victor Abramovich, Executive Director of CELS,
and María José Guembe and Valeria Barbuto of CELS's Memory
Program for generously sharing their files and experience.
We thank Carlos Osorio of the National
Security Archive for allowing us to cite from its valuable collection of
declassified documents on Argentina before their publication.