Academic Freedom
Chinese Academics Detained > Other Petitions and Letters

250 Princetonians Protest Li Shaomin Detention

(Princeton, NJ - April 23, 2001) - More than 250 Princeton University students, faculty, and staff have signed a petition addressed to Chinese Ambassador Yang Jiechi asking him to inquire into the case of Li Shaomin, reportedly detained by Chinese State Security officials in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen, near the Hong Kong border, on the evening of February 25, 2001.

The letter asks that the Chinese government make public where Li is being detained, that any charges against him be made known, and that he be immediately and unconditionally
released unless there is clear evidence that he has committed a non-political offense.

Li Shaomin, 44, is a naturalized U.S. citizen and a well-respected scholar. He earned a Ph.D. in sociology from Princeton in 1988 and is currently an associate professor of marketing at the City University of Hong Kong.

Molly Bloom
President, Amnesty International at Princeton University
(609) 986-9453

Katherine Jordan
Member, Amnesty International at Princeton University
(609) 986-8298

Gilbert Rozman
Li Shaomin's academic advisor at Princeton University
Musgrave Professor of Sociology, Princeton University
(609) 258 5094 (w) (609) 896 1975 (h)

Letter to Jiang Zemin

Leading Academics Protest Detentions
HRW Press Release

Other Petitions and Letters

Biographies of the Detained Scholars

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HRW Academic Freedom Program

China: Human Rights Deteriorate
HRW Special Focus


Dr. Gao Zhan, released

Dr. Li Shaomin, released

Dr. Xu Zerong, detained days