Background Briefing

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To the transitional government of the Democratic Republic of Congo:


  • Ensure freedom of expression, press, and assembly as provided for in Congolese law and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Investigate and prosecute cases where these freedoms have been violated. Ensure that the elections are held in an environment free of intimidation, harassment and violence.


  • Hold accountable those responsible for serious violations of international humanitarian and human rights law. Order troops to act on the arrest warrants for Laurent Nkunda and Jules Mutebutsi, ensuring respect for due process.


  • Act immediately on the recommendations of parliament in relation to investigating cases of official corruption, including those of the Lutundula commission.



To the International Committee Accompanying the Transition, MONUC and international donors:


  • Continue to urge the transitional government to respect the rights of Congolese to freedom of expression, press, and assembly. Monitor threats against journalists and human rights activists and promptly criticize arbitrary arrests, harassment or other forms of repression.


  • Urge the transitional government to immediately launch investigations and judicial proceedings, as appropriate, against those accused of serious violations of international humanitarian and human rights law, including Jerome Kakwavu, Floribert Kisembo, Laurent Nkunda, Jules Mutebutsi and Budja Mabe.


  • Vigorously denounce corruption and the use of state funds for personal enrichment or in illegal forms of support for election campaigns and push for judicial proceedings against individuals accused of such crimes. Encourage parliament to debate and act on reports of official corruption, including the Lutundula report.


<  |  indexDecember 2005