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- Adopt and implement a plan to ensure the security and
protection of civilians at risk and to reverse ethnic cleansing. The plan
should promote the creation of an environment conducive to the voluntary
return in safety and dignity of all refugees and internally displaced
persons to their places of origin.
- Continue to press the Sudanese government to fulfill its
commitments referred to in Resolutions 1564 and 1556 to disarm and
prosecute members of the Janjaweed militia and all those responsible for
human rights abuses and violations of international humanitarian law.
- Authorize the African Union Mission in Sudan (AMIS), under
Chapter VII of the U.N. Charter, to protect civilians; support, through
technical expertise, logistical, communications, and other assistance, the
rapid deployment to Darfur of the expanded African Union mission and urge
that such forces be strategically deployed near camps and concentrations
of displaced persons, and in small towns and rural areas throughout Darfur
to provide civilian protection and security for delivery of humanitarian
assistance and the eventual voluntary return of refugees and internally
displaced persons to their places of origin.
- Condemn the government of Sudans forced relocation of
civilians and demand that the government cease forcibly displacing
civilians including forced returns and forced resettlement of displaced
populations and permit those forcibly displaced to move to any other
location of their choice.
- Pursuant to paragraph 14 of Resolution 1564, extend the
arms embargo imposed on Darfur in paragraphs 7 and 8 of Resolution 1556 to
the Government of Sudan, impose travel sanctions and freeze the assets of
key civilians and military individuals in the Sudanese government involved
in Darfur pending investigation of their role in the commission of crimes
against humanity and war crimes and other violations of international
humanitarian law in Darfur in 2003-2004.
- Establish a sanctions committee to monitor implementation
of sanctions.
- Increase the number of Office of the High Commissioner for
Human Rights monitors in Darfur, and ensure that they are deployed in Darfurs cities and smaller towns, in rural areas where internally displaced persons are
attempting to return and near camps and concentrations of displaced
persons. Extend the monitors mandate to include the monitoring and
investigation of human rights violations committed by the rebel groups in
addition to abuses committed by other parties to the conflict, and to
regularly publicly report on the human rights situation in Darfur.
- Together with the African Union Mission in Sudan and United Nations experts, develop and implement a plan to create, vet, train, equip and
monitor a new civilian police force in Darfur.
- Provide specialized training to the members of criminal
justice system including police in Sudan on techniques and approaches to
investigating gender-based violence.
- Ensure that U.N. agencies and African Union personnel are
adequately deployed to areas where internally displaced persons have
voluntarily returned or have been forcibly returned to monitor and report
publicly on security and other conditions of return.
- Deploy U.N. personnel to monitor and publicly report on
prosecutions of Janjaweed militia members and others accused of
committing crimes in the Darfur conflict.
- Expand responsibilities for protection and voluntary
repatriation activities in West Darfur to all parts of Darfur, to ensure
the safe and voluntary return of internally displaced persons and refugees
in safety and dignity to their places of origin.
- Increase the number of protection staff throughout Darfur.
- Increase the number of troops in Darfur so that sufficient
troops can be deployed near camps and concentrations of internally
displaced persons, small towns and rural areas in addition to main towns
and require them to proactively patrol, investigate, document and publicly
report (within and outside Sudan) ceasefire violations, attacks on
civilians, and to protect civilians in these areas.
- Map the locations of the key militia camps and post
ceasefire monitors at military airstrips, barracks, camps, and offices of
all armed entities in Darfur, including the Janjaweed militia, to monitor
their activities and their disarmament, disbandment, and withdrawal.
- Secure mass grave sites and other key physical evidence of
crimes committed by any armed group, including Sudanese armed forces,
Janjaweed or other militia, and rebel groups.
- Work with the U.N. Security Council to adopt an
international plan to reverse ethnic cleansing and ensure the eventual
voluntary return of internally displaced persons and refugees to their
places of origin in safety and dignity.
- Take all necessary steps, including by issuing clear
public orders to government forces and police including the Border
Intelligence Patrol Guards, and government-sponsored and supplied
paramilitary and militia forces including Popular Defense Forces,
fursan, knights or mujahedeen internationally known as the
Janjaweed, to immediately cease attacks on civilians and civilian property
in Darfur.
- Cease providing the above-mentioned militias and
recently-formed police and other units with financial, logistical and
military support.
- Disband, disarm and withdraw the Popular Defense Forces from
all parts of Darfur and all other paramilitary, police or other units
created after 2001.
- Work with the African Union and the United Nations to
create a civilian police force that is responsive and representative,
applies international human rights standards, has been vetted and that
includes international police as trainers and monitors.
- Investigate and prosecute Janjaweed militia members
involved in the commission of crimes against humanity and war crimes and
other violations international humanitarian law, as well as Sudanese
criminal law.
- Investigate, prosecute, and suspend from official duties
pending investigation those Sudanese government and military officials
alleged to be involved in the planning, recruitment and command of
Janjaweed militia or in the commission of crimes against humanity and war
crimes and other violations of international humanitarian law, as well as
Sudanese criminal law in Darfur.
- Cease any forced return or resettlement of displaced
civilians and ensure that civilians only return voluntarily to their
places of origin in safety and dignity and are not relocated involuntarily
from any displaced camp or settlement.
- Work to create conditions in Darfur which are conducive to
voluntary return of internally displaced persons and refugees in safety
and dignity.
- Suspend any and all transfers of land and disallow the
creation of permanent new communities or settlements until the conflict in
Darfur is resolved.
- Provide reparations or compensation to persons who have
been victims of international human rights and humanitarian law violations
by government forces or government-supported militias such as the
- Cease all attacks on civilians and civilian property
including livestock and humanitarian aid convoys.
- Immediately release all abducted civilians and cease
abducting civilians.
- Demobilize all
child soldiers and end the use and recruitment of all children under the
age of eighteen.
Promote the protection of civilians simultaneous with the
distribution of humanitarian assistance; develop a coordinated plan to promptly
respond with necessary relief supplies to those who voluntarily return or move
out of displaced persons camps to resume economic activity, to the greatest
extent possible within security limits.
Rapidly increase assessments of need and, where appropriate,
distribution of relief to persons in remote rural areas, including in rebel