1948 |
Universal Declaration of Human Rights |
1975 |
The Helsinki Accords |
Fund for Free Expression founded as precursor to Human Rights Watch
1978 |
Human Rights Watch founded as Helsinki Watch |
1981 |
Americas Watch founded |
1985 |
Asia Watch founded |
1987 |
Prison Project founded |
1988 |
The Watch Committees become Human Rights Watch
The International Film Festival founded
Africa Watch founded |
1989 |
Middle East Watch founded
London office opened |
1990 |
Womans Rights Project founded
Los Angeles office opened |
1991 |
Hong Kong office opened |
1992 |
Moscow office opened
Arms Project founded |
1994 |
Brussels office opened
Childrens Rights Project founded
Rio de Janiero office opened |
1995 |
Rwanda emergency office opened |
1996 |
Academic Freedom Project founded
Sarajevo emergency office opened
Tashkent office opened |
1997 |
Dushanbe office opened |
1998 |
Tbilisi office opened
Global refugee program founded |