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Un trabajo que intoxica

Una joven de 16 años en una plantación de tabaco en Carolina del Norte se pone sus guantes de trabajo. “Cuando estoy en las plantaciones no siento que nada sea diferente de cuando tenía 12 años”, dijo. “[Todavía] tengo dolores de cabeza (…) y sufro del estómago. También siento náuseas… Siento como si el estómago me diera vueltas. Como si estuviera a punto de vomitar”.

© 2015 Benedict Evans para Human Rights Watch

Artículo introductorio

Afghan refugees in Greece
Amenazas enlazadas

Cómo la política del temor y la represión de la sociedad civil ponen en riesgo derechos globales


Thirteen-year-old Sifola in the home she shares with her husband and in-laws in Bangladesh. Sifola’s parents, struggling with poverty, took her out of school and arranged for her marriage so that the money saved could pay for her brothers’ schooling. © 20
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Bhumika Shrestha, a transgender woman in Nepal, holds her citizenship certificate, which listed her as male in 2011. Nepal legally recognized a third gender category beginning in 2007, but it took Shrestha and other activists and transgender citizens unti
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The door of a cell at Lusaka Central Prison. Children are routinely incarcerated in Zambia for minor offenses and frequently held together with adults, putting them at increased risk of sexual violence and other abuses. © 2010 João Silva
Children Behind Bars

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