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This report was researched and written by Daniel Wilkinson, counsel of Human Rights Watch’s Americas Division, and Anne Manuel, a consultant with the division.  Joanne Mariner, deputy director of the Americas Division, Wilder Tayler, Human Rights Watch’s legal and policy director, and Joseph Saunders, deputy program director, edited it.  Americas Division associates Ximena Casas, Quetzal del Real, and Jennifer Nagle made substantial contributions to the research and production.  Interns Amber Norris, Elizabeth Padilla, Alycia Ebbinghaus, Barbara Sartori, Sergio Latorre-Restrepo, Stephanie Welch, Marissa Lloyd, Ben Billa, and Nora Mascioli also provided valuable research support.  Intern Fanny Gómez deserves special recognition for the important role she played in helping to collect testimony for the report. 

Human Rights Watch is grateful to the many people who assisted us in the course of our research, including the Cuban and Cuban American rights activists and family members who shared their testimony with us.  We are especially grateful to Geoff Thale, program director and senior associate for Cuba and Central America at the Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA), and Silvia Wilhelm, executive director of the Cuban American Commission for Family Rights, for the expert advice and thoughtful feedback they provided throughout the process.

The report was translated into Spanish by Juan Luis Guillén.

<<previous  |  indexOctober 2005