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Glossary of Acronyms

AIDS - Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

CCJP - Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace

CIO - Zimbabwe Central Intelligence Organization

C-SAFE - Consortium for Southern Africa Food Emergency

DRC - Democratic Republic of the Congo

EMOP - UN Emergency Operation

FAO - UN Food and Agriculture Organization

FCTZ - Farm Community Trust Zimbabwe

FEWS - Famine Early Warning System

FOSENET - National NGO Food Security Network

GDP - Gross Domestic Product

GMB - Grain Marketing Board

Ha - Hectare

HIV - Human Immunodeficiency Virus

IRIN - UN OCHA Integrated Regional Information Network

MDC - Movement for Democratic Change

MOH - Ministry of Health

MOU - Memorandum of Understanding

MT - Metric Tons

OCHA - UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

ORAP - Organization of Rural Associations for Progress

RRU - UN Relief and Recovery Unit

SADC - Southern African Development Community

SCF - UK Save the Children Fund, UK

UNDP - United Nations Development Program

UNICEF - UN Children’s Fund

USAID - US Agency for International Development

WFP - UN World Food Program

WVA - Zimbabwe Liberation War Veteran’s Association

ZANU PF - Zimbabwe African National Union, Patriotic Front

ZAPU - Zimbabwe African People’s Union

ZBC - Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation

ZDF - Zimbabwe Defense Force

ZIMVAC - Zimbabwe Vulnerability Assessment Committee

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October 2003