The following list is from an official police list compiled in July 1997.

East Timor Provincial Police

Intelligence Directorate

List of Names of Suspects/Cases Handled by Intelligence Directorate

1. Attack on the headquarters of Brimob company 5486/A, Bairopite, May 28, 1997

1. Adelino De Fatimo Roberto H.

2. Romeo Conceicao

3. Rainaldo Marsal

4. Francisco Da Silva

5. Ijidio Da Cunha [unclear]...jidi

6. Francisco Soares

7. Mariano Da Costa Sarmento S

8. Francisco Da Conceicao

9. Joao da Cunha

10. Frederico Soares alias Abeto

2. Criminal agreement to commit rebellion against the Republic of Indonesia, plan to burn Polling Place IX Cacaulidun and attack Wako Brimob, company A, May 29, 1997

11. Jose Mali Amaral

12. Jeremias Da Costa

13. Ernesto Rodriques Martins

14. Francisco Magno

3. Criminal agreement to commit rebellion against the Republic of Indonesia, plan to attack Polling Place IX, Cacaulidun and attack Mako Brimob, Company A, May 29, 1997

15. Francisco do Carmo

16. Filomeno Da Costa REbeiru

17. Joao Verdial Ramos

18. Horacio Da Costa

19. Jose Tilman Akasio

20. Eugenio Basilio Da Costa R

21. Agusto Carvalho

4. Burning of the old market, June 7, 1997

22. Adelino Pinto alias Adino

23. Francelino Manuel Maria F.

24. Estanislau Fraganito alias Alau

25. Belarmino Freitas

5. Attack on members of police force who were poll monitors in Laga, Baucau, May 27, 1997

26. Luis Antoni Soares

27. Armindo Da Costa

28. Matias Marcal Soares

6. Attack on police who were poll monitors in Quelicai, Baucau, May 31,1997

29. Mario Filipi

30. Joao Bosco Ximenes

31. Luis Maria Da Silva

32. Francisco da Costa

33. Marcus Ximenes

7. Criminal agreement to commit rebellion against the Republic of Indonesia, May 30, 1997


35. Thomas Ornay

36. Roi Lety Correa

37. Joaquim de Carvalho

38. Aquilino Riberu Fraga G

8. Criminal agreement to commit rebellion against the Republic of Indonesia, May 30, 1997

9. Criminal agreement to commit rebellion, May 30, 1997

39. Dominggus Pereira

40. Dominggus Maia

41. Matias Marcas Soares

42. Vasco da Gama alias Tunder

Human Rights Watch/Asia

Human Rights Watch is dedicated to protecting the human rights of people around the world.

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We investigate and expose human rights violations and hold abusers accountable.

We challenge governments and those holding power to end abusive practices and respect international human rights law.

We enlist the public and the international community to support the cause of human rights for all.

The staff includes Kenneth Roth, executive director; Susan Osnos, associate director; Michele Alexander, development director; Cynthia Brown, program director; Barbara Guglielmo, finance and administration director; Patrick Minges, publications director; Jeri Laber, special advisor; Lotte Leicht, Brussels office director; Susan Osnos, communications director; Jemera Rone, counsel; Wilder Tayler, general counsel; and Joanna Weschler, United Nations representative. Robert L. Bernstein is the chair of the board and Adrian W. DeWind is vice chair.

Its Asia division was established in 1985 to monitor and promote the observance of internationally recognized human rights in Asia. Sidney Jones is the executive director; Mike Jendrzejczyk is the Washington director; Robin Munro is the Hong Kong director; Patricia Gossman is the senior researcher; Zunetta Liddell is the research associate; Jeannine Guthrie is NGO liaison; Sarah Cooke is the research assistant; Mickey Spiegel is a consultant; Olga Nousias and Tom Kellogg are associates. Andrew J. Nathan is chair of the advisory committee and Orville Schell is vice chair.

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